
Recommended read: (Bio)fabrication of microfluidic devices and organs-on-a-chip

Recommended read: (Bio)fabrication of microfluidic devices and organs-on-a-chip

3D Printing in Medicine (Second Edition) examines the rapidly growing market of 3D-printed biomaterials and their clinical applications. With a particular focus on both commercial and premarket tools, the book looks at their applications within medicine and the future outlook for the field. The chapters are written by field experts actively engaged in educational and research activities at the top universities in the world. This updated new edition features completely revised content, with additional new chapters covering organs-on-chips, bioprinting regulations and standards, intellectual properties, and socio-ethical implications of organs-on-demand.

Yang Li, one of our ICAT scientists, is among the authors of Chapter 10: (Bio)fabrication of microfluidic devices and organs-on-a-chip. Whilst iIllustrating the possibilities of biotechnology, the chapter firstly outlines microfluidic fundamentals. Subsequently, it details the manufacturing techniques and applications of the microfluidic chips for organs-on-a-chip. 

The chapter parallels ICAT's ambitions for the future and ICAT's work that also focusses on advanced in vitro models such as organs-on-a-chip and organoids. 

"Advances in 3D printing technologies opened new perspectives for the prepararation of Organ-on-a-Chip models and patterning of cells and biomaterials."

Organs-on a chip is an important field within advanced in vitro models, signifying the promising nature of this research for the future.

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